Regardless of your training goals, these basic lifestyle guidelines are a great starting point for anyone. Taking a holistic approach helps you to focus on factors that contribute to overall health.
But where should you start? Try these 6 basic lifestyle guidelines for health and longevity:
WORK-LIFE BALANCE There are 24 hours in any given day; find the appropriate balance between work and rest to best suit your lifestyle.
DRINK WATER Water significantly affects energy levels and brain function. Drink at least 1/2 of your bodyweight in ounces per day.
BEDTIME ROUTINE Go to bed and wake up at the same time to maintain a good circadian rhythm. This process regulates your sleep-wake cycle.
GET OUTDOORS The sun and moon correlate with our mood and energy levels. Get exposure to daylight and sleep in-line with the moon.
MOVE EVERY DAY Drinking water, blood flow and good digestion are essential daily routines. Facilitate recovery faster by moving.
DIGEST YOUR FOOD Invest in eating. Sit down, chew your food, put the phone away and have a conversation!
It is so easy to get caught up in the various complexities available to us that we forget about the simple things that our body still needs: regularity, movement and sustenance.
Don’t underestimate the importance of or look past the basics!
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